With cold weather on the horizon it’s important to take steps to protect your lawn and yard from harsh New England winter weather. Taking the proper steps now will help ensure your lawn and yard return better than ever next spring. Over the years we’ve worked with homeowners and business owners to get their properties winter-ready and here’s what we recommend.
Start Now
Once frosts begin occurring on a regular basis, you’ve missed the window to winter-proof your property. A frozen ground makes it nearly impossible to take the necessary actions, so carve out some time now while the weather is still brisk to be proactive.
Protect Your Irrigation System
Whether you have a built-in irrigation system in your lawn or are simply attaching hoses to spigots on the exterior of your home, it is necessary to properly shut them down the winter to protect your water pipes and prevent leaks.
First things first—ensure your water pipes are completely drained. Either blow them out with compressed air or let them drain naturally leaving enough time to guarantee there is no residual moisture in them which can freeze and cause damage. Once your pipes are drained, shut off the main water supply to them for the winter. Finally, insulate your pipes and valves as a final layer of protection against leaking and bursting.
Protect Shrubs and Trees
You should also take steps to winterize shrubs and trees so they survive difficult winters. Continue watering them throughout the fall until the ground freezes. Once regular frosts begin, cover the base and surround area with mulch. Depending on the type of shrub or tree, you may want to tie and stake it to keep it upright against gusts of wind and wrap it in burlap so leaves are preserved during arctic chills. Finally, an anti-desiccant spray can be regularly applied to prevent leaves and roots from drying out.
Our team has helped all types of properties across Nashua, Hudson, and Southern New Hampshire prepare for New England winters. Contact us today to start the conversation about how we can help you.